TeV's news


17 July 2024 - TeV research retreat 

TeV team works on new research topics at Villa Tambosi  (a picture of the group)

1 July 2024 - two conference papers

accepted two TeV's papers at ECCV 2024

9 May 2024 - Computer Vision Trento Symposium 2024

published the website for the first Computer Vision Trento Symposium that will be held in FBK on the 12th of June 2024. Download here the leaflet (in pdf)

4 March 2024 - three conference papers

accepted three TeV's papers at CVPR 2024

1 February 2024 - new journal publication

G. Mei, C. Saltori, E. Ricci, N. Sebe, Q. Wu, J. Zhang, F. Poiesi. Unsupervised Point Cloud Representation Learning by Clustering and Neural Rendering. International Journal on Computer Vision, 2024

1 January 2024 - change in leadership

Fabio Poiesi is the new head of TeV research unit, succeeding Stefano Messelodi


4 October 2023 - Award for TeV

A. Caraffa, D. Boscaini and F. Poiesi received the BOP Challenge 2023 Award during the workshop "On Recovering 6D Object Pose" held at the ICCV23 conference.

19 September 2023 - Three new Journals and three new conference publications

C. Saltori, F. Galasso, G. Fiameni, N. Sebe, F. Poiesi, E. Ricci, Compositional Semantic Mix for Domain Adaptation in Point Cloud Segmentation, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, PAMI, 2023 (arXiv)

R. Jiao, Y. Wan, F. Poiesi, Y. Wang, Survey on video anomaly detection in dynamic scenes with moving cameras, Artificial Intelligence Review, 2023 (arXiv)

M. Lecca. Backlight and Spotlight Image Enhancement Based on Von Kries Model. SN Computer Science 4(5):680, 2023 [doi]


M.L. Mekhalfi, D.Boscaini, F. Poiesi, Detect, Augment, Compose, and Adapt: Four Steps for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation in Object Detection, British Machine Vision Conference - BMVC, Aberdeen, UK, November 2023 (arXiv)

J. Corsetti, D. Boscaini, F. Poiesi, Revisiting Fully Convolutional Geometric Features for Object 6D Pose Estimation, International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops, Oct 2023, (arXiv)

M. Bortolon, A. Del Bue, F. Poiesi, VM-NeRF: Tackling Sparsity in NeRF with View Morphing, International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing - ICIAP, Udine, Italy, Sep 2023 (arXiv)

31 July 2023 - Two new Journal publications

Y. Zhou, G. Mei, Y. Wang, F. Poiesi, Y. Wan, Attentive Multimodal Fusion for Optical and Scene Flow. IEEE Robotics Automation Letters, 2023 (arXiv)

D. Boscaini and F. Poiesi, PatchMixer: Rethinking network design to boost generalization for 3D point cloud understanding. Image and Vision Computing, 2023 (arxiv)

23 March 2023 - New paper accepted at CVPR 2023

L. Riz, C. Saltori, E. Ricci, F. Poiesi, Novel class discovery for 3D point cloud semantic segmentation (pdf, code). IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition - CVPR 2023, Vancouver, Canada,  June 2023

13 March 2023 - PhD Thesis defense

Alex Falcon discusses his PhD thesis "Semantics for vision and language understanding" 

8-9 February 2023 - EU project meeting

FEROX project meeting hosted by FBK (Trento - Italy)

20 January 2023 - Journal Editor

M. Lecca is a Topical Editor (Color Vision) of the Journal  JOSA A 

19 January 2023 - Kick-off AGILEHAND project

Meeting in Ancona (Italy)


27 November 2022 - Keynote at Shandong University

Fabio Poiesi's Keynote at Shandong University (China). A brief overview of how the Technologies of Vision applies deep machine vision in real-world applications for digital industry: Deep machine vision in digital industry [youtube]

24 October 2022 -  Published a new journal paper 

M. Lecca, G. Gianini, and R.P. Serapioni. Mathematical insights into the original Retinex algorithm for image enhancement. Journal of the Optical Society of America A, Vol. 39, pp. 2063-2072 (2022) [doi]

4 October 2022 - Kick off AI PRISM project

AI Prism kick off meeting

4  July 2022 -  TeV ranked 1st place at EPIC_Kitchens Multi-Instance Retrieval Challenge at CVPR 2022

TeV (FBK) with AILAB (Uni Udine), Computer Vision Center (Uni Barcelona), and Scienze e Tecnologie Informatiche (Uni Bolzano), achieved joint 1st place at the EPIC_Kitchens Multi-Instance Retrieval Challenge. The challenging task was about semantic text-video retrieval: given a query caption, retrieve and rank videos with semantic content relevant to the textual query. Here the talk. Congratulation to the team: Alex Falcon, Giuseppe Serra, Giorgio Escalera, Oswald Lanz

3 July 2022 - Two papers accepted at ECCV 2022

C. Saltori, E. Krivosheev, S. Lathuilière, N. Sebe, F. Galasso, G. Fiameni, E. Ricci and F. Poiesi. GIPSO: Geometrically informed propagation for online adaptation in 3D LiDAR segmentation. European Conference on Computer Vision - ECCV 2022. Tel-Aviv, Isreal, October 2022

C. Saltori, F. Galasso, G. Fiameni, N. Sebe, E. Ricci and F. Poiesi. CoSMix: Compositional semantic mix for domain adaptation in 3D LiDAR segmentation. European Conference on Computer Vision, European Conference on Computer Vision - ECCV 2022. Tel-Aviv, Isreal, October 2022

20 May 2022 - Published paper on PAMI

F. Poiesi and D. Boscaini. Learning general and distinctive 3D local deep descriptors for point cloud registration. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. Early Access, 2022

18 April 2022 - Accepted paper at ICMR 2022

A. Falcon, S. Sudhakaran, G. Serra, S. Escalera and O. Lanz. Relevance-based Margin for Contrastively-trained Video Retrieval Models. ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval - ICMR 2022. Newark, NJ, USA, June 2022

22 March 2022 - FBK coordinates a new european project. 

FEROX, Fostering and Enabling AI, Data and Robotics Technologies for Supporting Human Workers in Harvesting Wild Food, 36 month starting from 1st April. TeV and  3DOM the involved research units.

16 March 2022 - Published a new journal paper

M. Lecca and F. Poiesi. Performance Comparison of Image Enhancers with and without Deep Learning. Journal of the Optical Society of America A - Optics Image  Science and Vision - JOSA, vol. 39, pp. 610-620, 2022 [doi] 

3 January 2022 - We are partner of AI-PRISM project

AI-PRISM, AI Powered human-centred Robot Interactions for Smart Manufacturing, is an industrial end-user-oriented project within the scope of Horizon Europe Program Cluster 4, Industry Area. With 26 partners from 12 different countries coordinated by Everis Spain, it will provide a human-centred AI-based solutions ecosystem targeted to manufacturing scenarios with tasks difficult to automate and where speed and versatility are essential.


14 December 2021 - On-line a short VIDEO: 

A vision-based robotic manipulation realized within the X Loader 4.0 project

27 November 2021 - The present TeV website is online

This is an auto-referential news

19 November 2021 - On-line a VIDEO

The final system developed inside the Veneeresult project presented at MECSPE Bologna, Italy

20 March 2021 - A new journal paper:

M. Bortolon, L. Bazzanella, F. Poiesi, Multi-view data capture for dynamic object reconstruction using handheld augmented reality mobiles. Journal of Real-Time Image Processing 18, pp. 345–355 (2021) [doi] [pre-print]

1. March 2021 - Two new journal papers

S. Sudhakaran, S. Escalera and O. Lanz, "Learning to Recognize Actions on Objects in Egocentric Video with Attention Dictionaries," in IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, doi: 10.1109/TPAMI.2021.3058649 

X. Qian, A. Brutti, O. Lanz, M. Omologo and A. Cavallaro, "Audio-visual tracking of concurrent speakers," in IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, doi: 10.1109/TMM.2021.3061800

10 January 2021 - Three new papers at ICPR 2020, 25th Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition, Virtual, Milano (Italy) January 2021:

F. Poiesi, D. Boscaini, Distinctive 3D Local Deep Descriptors

A. Alliegro, D. Boscaini, T. Tommasi, Joint Supervised and Self-Supervised Learning for 3D Real World Challenges (oral)

L. Vasconcelos, M. Mancini, D. Boscaini, B. Caputo, E. Ricci, Shape Consistent 2D Keypoint Estimation under Domain Shift

1. January 2021 - Starting from today TeV becomes officially a Research Unit of the new FBK Center for Digital Industry directed by A. Cimatti


15 December 2020 - FBK Magazine about PAMA 4.0 project: augmented reality for industrial maintenance

2 July 2020 - Machine Learning Research Awards

Oswald Lanz (FBK-TeV) is one of the 2019 Q4 recipients of Amazon Web Services (AWS) Machine Learning Research Awards with the project "Structured Representation Learning for Video Recognition and Question Answering". 

16 June 2020 - TeV ranked 3rd place 

in EPIC Kitchens Action Recognition Challenge (Sudhakaran) at CVPR 2020

27 February 2020 - Paper accepted at CVPR 2020:

S. Sudhakaran, S. Escalera, O. Lanz, Gate-Shift Networks for Video Action Recognition, CVPR 2020, Seattle, Washington, June 16-18, 2020

5 february 2020 - Nature Methods: selected for the cover. The paper of Davide Boscaini inspired the cover illustration of Nature Methods:

P. Gainza, F. Sverrisson, F. Monti, E. Rodolà, D. Boscaini, M. M. Bronstein, B. E. Correia, Deciphering interaction fingerprints from protein molecular surfaces using geometric deep learning. Nature Methods Volume 17, pages 184–192 (2020) [doi]

8 January 2020  - A new Journal paper     

B.R. Barricelli, E. Casiraghi, M. Lecca, A. Plutino and A. Rizzi,  A cockpit of multiple measures for assessing film restoration quality. Pattern Recognition Letters, 2020


27 December 2019 - Accepted a new paper

M. Bortolon, P. Chippendale, S. Messelodi and F. Poiesi, Multi-view data capture using edge-synchronised mobiles, 15th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications - VISAPP 2020, La Valletta, Malta, 27-29 February, 2020

02 November 2019 - Papers presented at ICCV 2019 and IROS 2019

A. Simonelli, S. Rota Bulo', L. Porzi, M. Lopez-Antequera and P. Kontschieder, Disentangling Monocular 3D Object Detection, ICCV 2019, Seoul, Korea

M.I. Lakhal, O. Lanz and A. Cavallaro, View-LSTM: Novel-View Video Synthesis Through View Decomposition, ICCV 2019, Seoul, Korea

Invited Talk at EPIC@ICCV2019: O. Lanz, Leveraging Spatial Attention and Gating for Fine-grained Action Recognition

F. Cermelli, M. Mancini, E. Ricci and B. Caputo, The RGB-D Triathlon: Towards Agile Visual Toolboxes for Robots,  IROS 2019, Macau, China

31 October 2019 Accepted an important paper co-authored by Davide Boscaini on a previous work

P. Gainza, F. Sverrisson, F. Monti, E. Rodolà, D. Boscaini, M. M. Bronstein, B. E. Correia,  Deciphering interaction fingerprints from protein molecular surfaces using geometric deep learning, Nature Methods

11 September 2019 - News from ICIAP 2019 are on Facebook 

Please follow us at ICIAP 2019 also on www.facebook.com/iciap2019

18 June 2019 - TeV ranked in the 3rd position in EPIC-Kitchens 2019 Action Recognition Challenge at CVPR 2019

Swathikiran Sudhakaran, Oswald Lanz (FBK-TeV, Trento) and Sergio Escalera (Uni Barcelona) ranked in the 3rd position in EPIC-Kitchens 2019 Action Recognition Challenge at CVPR with LSTA: Long Short-Term Attention for Egocentric Action Recognition

EPIC-Kitchens is the largest dataset in first-person vision recordings in native environment. Given a trimmed action segment, the challenge was to classify the segment into its action class composed of the pair of verb and noun classes (e.g. wash cup, cut tomato, dry hand...)

11 April 2019 - Extended deadline of ICIAP2019 to May 6th, 2019

The  20th International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing - ICIAP 2019 is organized by UniTN-DISI and FBK-TeV in Trento, Italy, September 9-13, 2019

08 March 2019 - Five papers accepted at CVPR 2019 

on five submissions!

11 February 2019 - Accepted a new Journal Paper

X. Qian, A. Brutti, O. Lanz, M. Omologo and A. Cavallaro, Multi-speaker tracking from an audio-visual sensing device, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 2019

16 January 2019 - A new Journal Paper

M. Gottardi and M. Lecca,  A 64 x 64 Pixel Vision Sensor for Local Binary Pattern Computation, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems 1 (2019)